How a Large-sized business company uses DocuMate Scanner app to sign HR documents

Snappii DocuMate
2 min readMay 26, 2022

Since the pandemic in 2020, a new era of remote work has begun. HR uses many documents that employees need to sign. In order to save time and stay at home, employees started using a mobile app to sign the documents remotely. The DocuMate Scanner app allows its users to upload a document, scan it or take a photo, and sign and share it immediately with the HR office.

Employment agreement, contract, and overtime payment requests are among the most essential HR documents that require employee signature. Instead of going to the office to sign these forms, it is so much easier to electronically sign them and send back to the office right away. Unfortunately, not all companies, even such huge corporations, can boast to have a tool allowing its employees to safely sign a document and share it with the HR office.

We have spoken to a project manager, Bob, at a large corporation that prefers to be undisclosed, who uses the DocuMate Scanner app to sign overtime payment requests. “Project managers often need to work extra hours because the project releases need to happen outside of the working hours, so in case there are any issues with the released project, we could roll it back safely.” — Bob says, — “Hence the necessity to sign the agreement appears often. Being away from the office, I simply load the document to the DocuMate Scanner app, sign it and send it back to the HR office. It saves time and I don’t have to drive to the office just to sign papers.”

The DocuMate Scanner app not only allows users to sign the papers remotely and instantly share them, it also has a super-useful search feature. No matter how many photos and documents you have loaded into the app, you can always retrieve them easily with a few letters. The DocuMate Scanner app uses AI to understand what’s there in the photo or document. Try the DocuMate Scanner app to boost your productivity and save precious time.

